Dance Annual 1986
פרטי הגליון:
כתב עת:
Israel Dance Annual
תאריך פרסום: 1986
עורך: Giora Manor & Gila Toledano
מוציא לאור: Israel Dance Society & Friends of the Dance Library of Israel
מאמרים מהגליון:
- Problems of the Coda | Pages: 8-12 | Yaron Margolin
- Encounter with Butoh Dancers in Japan | Pages: 19-21 | Rachel Bilski Cohen
- Moments on the Stage | Pages: 30 | Micha Ness
- The Difference Between Performing Dance on Stage and It’s TV Representation | Pages: 31-32 | Ziona Peled
- Advertisments | Pages: 39-78 |
- | Photos | Pages: 79-128 |
- | Premieres in 1985 | Pages: 134-131 |
- | From Michaelangelo to Martha Graham | Pages: 137-135 | Giora Manor
- | Fokine’s Jewish Ballet Mothers | Pages: 142-138 | Ann Wilson Wangh
- | Bibliographic Sources in Research of Dance Among the Jews | Pages: 144-146 | Zvi Friedhaber
- | Benjamin Zemach – From Darkness to Light | Pages: 155-146 | Naima Prevots
- | Hassidic Dance at the Rabbi Shim’om Bar-Yohai Festivities at Meiron | Pages: 158-156 | Zvi Friedhaber
- | Yemenite Jewish Culture and Dance: Popular Myths and Indigenous Activities in the Israel Context | Pages: 166-159 | Shalom Staub
- | Dance Images in the Zohar | Pages: 171-167 | Judith Brin Ingber