Issue no. 11
פרטי הגליון:
כתב עת:
Israel Dance Quarterly
תאריך פרסום: August 1997
עורך: Giora Manor & Ruth Eshel
מוציא לאור: Haifa: Zoom Hafakot
מאמרים מהגליון:
- Gvanim BeMahol (Dance Hues) – A Showcase of Young Israeli Choreogrpahers | Pages: 6-9 | Giora Manor
- The movement language of Yemenite Jews | Pages: 10-17 | Naomi Bahat Ratzon
- Gaite Israelienne – Jewish Joy in Rambert Dance Company | Pages: 18-19 | Henia Rottenberg
- A New Broom at the Zurich Ballet | Pages: 20-21 | Giora Manor
- Interview with General Directors of the Batsheva and Kibbutz Dance Companies | Pages: 22-25 | Shai Harlev
- Paradis in Boxes” – A New Dance by Itzik Galili” | Pages: 26-27 | Giora Manor
- The Same Dances in Different Costumes | Pages: 34 | Giora Manor
- Dancing Books | Pages: 34 | Giora Manor
- Interview with Costume Designer Rakefet Levi | Pages: 39 | Ruth Eshel
- Costumes that are part of the dance | Pages: 40-43 | Giora Manor
- Costume Designer Athalia Ben Menahem: To Dress Women and Men | Pages: 44-45 | Atalia Ben Menahem
- Daddy, I’am dancing nude | Pages: 46-47 | Yaron Margolin
- Young dancers in mature works in the Stuttargt Ballet | Pages: 48-49 | Giora Manor
- The Ballet Teacher Mia Arbatova | Pages: 52-53 | Ruth Eshel
- Mia Arbatova Ballet Competition 1997 | Pages: 54-55 | Giora Manor
| Israel Dance Quarterly Index 1-15 | Pages: 76-77 | Giora Manor
| Critic’s Review: Giora Manor | Pages: 77-78 | Giora Manor
| Dance Costumes Design in Israel | Pages: 79-83 | Ruth Eshel
| From the dance critic’s desk: Giora Manor | Pages: 93-95 | Giora Manor